Comprehensive Exam and Cleaning Sherman TX

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Comprehensive Exam and Cleaning Sherman TX

Comprehensive Exam and Cleaning Sherman TX

One of the top reasons why people go to the dentist is for emergency dentistry. Most people would not want to go to the dentist for the perceived pain that they feel will experience. At Gray Oak Family Dental we want our patients to know the importance of seeing the dentist on a regular basis and not waiting for an emergency. 

One way a person can lower their chance of experiencing a dental emergency is to have a routine cleaning and comprehensive exam. Routine cleanings and comprehensive exams are scheduled usually every 6 months. These cleanings and exams are important because they not only help remove plaque and calculus buildup from the teeth, they also help detect problems before they progress. 

First, let’s learn about what occurs during a comprehensive exam. During this exam, Dr. Dave will do several things. These include: 

     * An evaluation: During the dental evaluation Dr. Dave will discuss with the patient any problems they may be having with their mouth. A medical history and dental history will be discussed at this time. 

    * X-rays taken: X-rays will be taken and evaluated. Dr. Dave will check the x-rays for any decay, bone loss, abscessed teeth, broken teeth, or other problems. 

    * Review of Perio charting: Perio charting is done to measure the pockets that form between the teeth and gums. The hygienist or dentist uses a special instrument to carefully measure each pocket. Healthy pockets measure between 1-3mm in depth. Unhealthy pockets measure 4mm and deeper. During the comprehensive exam, Dr. Dave will review the measurements and decide if the patient needs additional treatment. If a patient has deep pockets they may require a deeper cleaning to shrink the pockets and promote healing. 

   * Checking the teeth and gums: At this time Dr. Dave will look inside the mouth and check the teeth for decay, fractures, and other problems. He will also evaluate all restorations such as crowns, bridges or other fixed restorations.

   * Bite check and jaw examination: Dr. Dave will check each patient’s bite to make sure the teeth occlude correctly. He will also check the jaw to make sure the jaw opens and closes without popping or grinding.

   * Oral cancer screening: Dr. Dave will also check the mouth, face, and neck for any abnormalities that could be signs of cancer. 

When a person comes in for cleaning there are several things that occur. Most cleanings are usually done by a dental hygienist. For a person who hasn’t experienced a dental cleaning, it’s important to understand what happens at the appointment. Regular cleanings usually take between 30-60 minutes to complete. 

Before the cleaning starts the hygienist will evaluate the mouth and check for any signs of decay, inflammation in the gums, plaque or calculus, and other problems. Any information the hygienist finds will be given to the dentist after the cleaning. Once the evaluation is complete the hygienist will use special instruments to scale the teeth. This is done to remove any plaque or calculus that has built up on and between the teeth. 

Once all plaque and calculus are removed the hygienist then removes all stain from the teeth. He or she will use a tool that has a rubber cup and prophylaxis paste. Prophylaxis paste is a gritty toothpaste that helps polish away hard to remove a stain. The last step is to floss the teeth. This helps remove excess paste as well as to detect any missed calculus. 

Cleanings and comprehensive exam appointments are easy and pain-free. At Gray Oak Family Dental we work to provide a comfortable experience for all our patients. One of our goals at our Sherman Texas office is to make sure our patients’ smiles are healthy and last them a lifetime. This is why we emphasize the importance of routine comprehensive exams and cleanings. If you are interested in learning more about comprehensive exams and cleanings or want to make an appointment contact our office today.